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Internships. Yes or no?

Internships are a touchy subject. For some people, unpaid internships are a deal breaker. For others, it’s how you get your foot in the door. That said, there are some objective things to consider.

Internships are a two way street. Think of them as a trade-off—you help, you learn. Not you stay back until 9pm helping to paint the studio office. You shouldn’t be there until 9pm and you definitely should not be painting walls!

实习生的货币价值or they get industry experience, advice, mentoring and additional knowledge of the workplace as a result of providing services to assist the company they are interning for.

In short, internships can be great experiences so long as it’s a give and take agreement.

Most people get a job out of interning for the company and at the very least you should walk out with experience and a better understanding of the industry.

Here’s a list of do’s and don’ts we’ve collected to make sure you are getting the most out of your internship.

DON’T overstep boundaries.
DO be available.
DON’T stick around until 7pm every night (unless you’re getting paid for it!).
DO be efficient.
DON’T continually work on projects to profit the company and not yourself in any way.
DO treat it seriously – it’s a job.
DON’T let the internship stop you from job hunting.
DO have a good attitude.
DON’T box yourself in and feel guilty to leave.
DO add the experience to your résumé.
DON’T be afraid to ask for references.
DO manage yourself.
DON’T only ask how. Ask why.
DO be friendly.
DON’T bad mouth. Anyone.
DO take notes.
DON’T rely on memory.
DO stay objective about your work.
DON’T take it personally.
DO be persistent.
DON’T be annoying.
DO share ideas and opinions (if asked for).
DON’T expect to be running the company.
DO be helpful.
DON’T be needy.
DO your time.
DON’T stay there forever.


Enza Lettieri
January 11, 2015

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