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#ILoveTheseGuys Creative Inspiration: Braulio Amado

Braulio Amadois who I want to be when I grow up. He currently works atWieden and Kennedyin New York, having previously worked as an art director, illustrator and designer atBloomberg Business Week. Those are mighty impressive credentials you have to admit! However, it is the prolific amount of work that Braulio produces in his own time—mostly one-off posters for the Music venue called the Good Room, that has gained him his many admirers.

It’s the energy that first sucks you in, at least it did me. They are raw, bright, simple, complicated, sometimes all over the place and at other times well-considered. He just does whatever the heck he wants and has the ability to make it work. You can just tell he is having a blast doing what he is doing, and as an aspiring designer, that is super inspiring to see.

Ok, so he may not be the guy to learn basic Design Principles from, although he clearly uses them and sticks to a grid. No, what you can learn, well what I have taken from drooling over his posters, is how important personal work is.Not only is it a salvation from the inevitable time a less exciting project comes along, it’s also an awesome way to keep yourself fresh and excited about the profession you fell in love with. Plus, and this is a big plus, you never know what new opportunity it may bring. For Braulio, he got to create a music video for BECK. Yes BECK!






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Submission by
Christian Schubert
December 1, 2016

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